The Trial

The Trial is a first Person Afrofuturistic parkour game with an emphasis on smooth, and fluid movement as well as engaging combat. The Trial uses a procedurally generated level to ensure endless replayability. The Trial adheres to culturally sensitive art and design.


Programming -

For The Trial, I was the main Gameplay programmer, applying existing knowledge of the UE4 blueprint system, I was able to create a fully-featured parkour and movement system which included wall-running, grappling, swinging, dashing and double jumping (with coyote time).
I was also responsible for creating all of the UI elements, which included the Main Menu and Pause menu both having a system-wide settings menu; as well as the scoring system which links to the game's local leaderboard.

Producer -

Throughout the project, I found myself helping the other specialities within the project, such as art, design and audio, providing them with guidance and assistance wherever needed, as well as making sure that the team was on track time-wise as scope-creep would have been a big issue.
This role came naturally as I enjoy being involved with all of the processes that come with creating a video game.

Version Control -

I was the dedicated "version control person" for The Trial, which means that any help needed by the rest of the team with any version control issues including Git, Fork, Merging or anything else was handled by myself. I took on this role as I was the most comfortable with version control within the team as well as having experience using it in our second-year group project, Solaris.